
Whaaaaat? Another blog?

Of course it's another blog, silly. Well, it's just like having 43 folders and all that GTD stuff. I think I need to have 43 blogs to file all my thoughts into little blog folders. LOL Why 32 fouettes? Because it's what a prima ballerina should do! (Bare minimum of course hahaha) Hold that thought... I am not a prima ballerina. Maybe more like a wannabee. But hey, I've had my share of dancing days and there was a time that my arms didn't flap like a turkey's neck. So, this is where I'll file my artsy thoughts about life, love and the pursuit of happiness and all things lofty from now on. On second thought maybe I'll just stick to keeping it real. So hang on tight and stick around who knows what will come out of this blog.


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